19 Μαΐ 2015

Free eBook on "How To Become an Instructional Designer"


24 Highly-skilled Instructional Designers Share Their Success Stories

24 Highly-skilled Instructional Designers share their success stories as well as their personal views on the ideal traits good Instructional Designers should possess. They also give valuable tips and tricks to follow that will help you reach your dream Instructional Design career on a single condition: that you have a true passion for Instructional Design.

Is there a single path to become an Instructional Designer? What kind of previous experience do you need? Is Instructional Design an art or a science? How much in depth you need to know with respect to eLearning authoring tools and Learning Management Systems? Is eLearning software more important than Instructional Design theories and models? How can a professional network of Instructional Designers help you to improve your skills? What is the purpose of an Instructional Design portfolio? These are just some of the concerns you might have with respect to this exciting job.

To access the free ebook just click the

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