13 Φεβ 2015

Call for papers on Innovation, entrepreneurship and education

Deadline: February, 23rd

Guest Editor: Daniel Spikol Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Malmö University

New models of innovation for education are emerging in Europe. Education is by and large a public endeavour, the responsibility of governments and international institutions. We think of education in terms of large and complex systems. Hence, the common assumption has been that change in Education will be driven by institutions: governments, universities, consortia of large stakeholders, and resource-rich foundations. Yet recently, we are seeing more and more grassroots entrepreneurship playing a disruptive role in this ecosystem. Admittedly, the entrepreneurial scene is still dominated by American players. Can that change? Does Europe have a voice of its own, which will promote different values and pedagogical approaches? What are the promises and challenges of entrepreneurship in education?

These questions need to be considered in a broader context: according to a recent OECD study, young SMEs account for 42% of new jobs. Europe is acknowledging the importance of fostering a vibrant startup culture, a change of mindset is reflected in initiatives such as startup Europe the startup manifesto and the startup Europe partnership. Universities are responding with entrepreneurship education programmes and the market is private responding with a wealth of incubators and accelerators. This trend has been driven by business schools and technology faculties for several years, without a specific domain focused. Recently we are witnessing initial signs of a an emerging stream of activity focused on educational innovation and educational technology. In this special issue, we aim to turn a spotlight to this phenomenon.

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11 Φεβ 2015

International conference “Education, Research & Development”

e would like to invite you to attend the international conference “Education, Research & Development”, during the dates of September 4-8, 2015 at Hotel "Royal Castle" in the Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria.

You are invited and encouraged to make a presentation and to provide a paper on a relevant aspect of the topic.

More detailed information concerning the schedule of events and the registration fee can be found on our web site at http://www.sciencebg.net/en/conferences/education-research-and-development/

In order to ensure that you are registered in a timely and accurate manner, we recommend that you register on our website at http://www.sciencebg.net/en/register/

All the papers presented will be published in open access online journals, part of International Scientific Publications (http://www.scientific-publications.net/en/)

Alternatively, we are also hosting a few other conferences in 2015 that may be of interest to you.

For more information and registration, please visit www.sciencebg.net

We look forward to hearing from you.

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10 Φεβ 2015

«Όταν η τέχνη της Σκηνοθεσίας συναντά την τέχνη της Παιδαγωγικής Ηγεσίας»

ο Παν/μιο Κρήτης-Παιδ/κό Τμήμα ΔΕ (Εργαστήριο Δια Βίου Μάθησης και ΑεξΑΕ), το Επιστημονικό Δίκτυο Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων Κρήτης, η Διεύθυνση Α/θμιας Εκπ/σης Ν. Χανίων και η ΚΕΠΠΕΔΗΧ-ΚΑΜ συνδιοργανώνουν:


«Όταν η τέχνη της Σκηνοθεσίας συναντά την τέχνη της Παιδαγωγικής Ηγεσίας» 

Α Συνάντηση στην Κοινότητα-Ολομέλεια του Προγράμματος «Από την εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία στην πρεμιέρα»

Παρασκευή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2015, Θέατρο ‘Βλησίδης’ 18.00-21.00
ώρα προσέλευσης 17.30-18.00. Είσοδος Ελεύθερη

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